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WCF and BizTalk 2009 (part 1) - Exploring the Built-in WCF Adapter Transport Support & Using the WCF Service Publishing Wizard

6/30/2011 3:26:28 PM
Web services support in BizTalk has been available natively since BizTalk 2004, but that version could exploit only the limited service capabilities included in ASP.NET web services (ASMX).

With the introduction of BizTalk Server 2006, and now 2009, Windows Communication Foundation is a first-class citizen in the BizTalk architecture with native support for WCFbased Send and Receive Adapters.

Leveraging the WCF adapter as your solution's integration endpoints automatically provides a highly configurable, standards-compliant, and interoperable option for other applications to communicate with your service.

WCF and the BizTalk adapter model fit nicely together. Table 1 compares how each of these technologies can work together to provide a seamless communication model.

Table 1. WCF and BizTalk Feature Comparison
WCF FeatureBizTalk Feature
Multiple transport bindingsMultiple adapters, each having their own transport
Configurable setup via application configuration filesAdapter configuration via the BizTalk Administration Console
Multiple endpoints for a single applicationMultiple receive locations for a single application
Multiple security optionsEach receive location can have different security configurations and/or pipelines

1. Exploring the Built-in WCF Adapter Transport Support

BizTalk 2009 has seven WCF adapters. Each of the adapters, with the exception of the WCFCustomIsolated adapter, consists of Send and Receive Adapters.

The WCF Receive Adapters are provided as two types of adapters: isolated WCF adapters and in-process WCF adapters. Although in-process adapters are managed by BizTalk Server, isolated adapters are not instantiated by BizTalk Server. Rather, they are instantiated and hosted in another process. The isolated WCF adapters are hosted in web applications running in Internet Information Services (IIS).

You can find these adapters as part of the configuration of a receive location or send port. Figure 1 shows the list of WCF Receive Adapters.

Figure 1. BizTalk WCF Receive Adapters

Table 2 describes each of the adapters natively supported by BizTalk and explains when each is best used or should be considered to meet your requirements.

Table 2. BizTalk Receive Adapters
AdapterWCF Binding NameDescription
WCF-BasicHttpbasicHttpBindingThe WCF-BasicHttp adapter is commonly used as a default transport. It provides maximum backward compatibility with first-generation web services and leverages the HTTP and HTTPS protocols for enhanced security configuration. Since this binding relies on HTTP, it is limited to the features it supports. On the other hand, it is also one of the faster bindings that WCF supports. Consider using this binding if you need to communicate with ASMX web services, need support for communication through a firewall, or just want the fastest possible HTTP communication.
WCF-WSHttpwsHttpBindingThe WCF-WSHttp adapter provides compatibility with the WS-* specifications including WS-Security, WS-AtomicTransactions, and WS-Addressing. Using this adapter provides enhanced security features, including the ability to apply security at the message level instead of the transport level. This allows the messages to be passed along multiple endpoints and transports without losing the security context of the original request. Using wsHttpBinding also provides maximum compatibility with other vendors. The WS-* specifications were jointly developed by Microsoft, IBM, Sun, BEA, and other major platform vendors.
WCF-NetNamedPipenetNamedPipeBindingNamed Pipes is a fast, binary communication used for on-machine communication. The WCF-NetNamedPipe Receive Adapter is useful when you're preprocessing service requests before processing within BizTalk. For example, you may want to build your web service to prevalidate the message values to meet certain business rules with BRE prior to submitting the request to your orchestration.
WCF-NetTcpnetTcpBindingThe netTcpBinding is a fast communication protocol using binary encoding. It's targeted toward intranet communication and is intended for WCF-to-WCF use only. In its default configuration, netTcpBinding is faster than wsHttpBinding because its security behavior is an opt-in model, rather than opt-out.
WCF-Custom<various>The WCF-Custom and WCF-CustomIsolated adapters are used to fully control how you want your endpoint to behave. With the other adapters, BizTalk provides a user interface to customize the common properties of the corresponding binding. With the WCF-Custom and WCF-CustomIsolated adapters, all WCF properties are customizable. This makes configuration more flexible but also assumes an increased level of knowledge of how the WCF platform works.
WCF-NetMsmqnetMsmqBindingMicrosoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a hidden gem in the Windows platform that is underused in today's enterprise environments. There are many uses for MSMQ, which fits very nicely with BizTalk. With many BizTalk services being asynchronous, MSMQ is a natural fit for guaranteed, transactional delivery across computers. Consider using the WCF-NetMsmq adapter if you need a fire-and-forget model of communication.

MSMQ can even be leveraged over the Internet. MSMQ supports submission of messages via HTTP and supports routing and proxies for communications through a DMZ.

2. Using the WCF Service Publishing Wizard

After you've developed your orchestration, you must complete a series of steps before consumers can call your service:

  1. Select a WCF transport.

  2. Choose whether to publish orchestrations or schemas as a WCF service.

  3. Specify the assembly containing your orchestrations and schemas.

  4. Specify service names and schema types.

  5. Specify a service namespace.

  6. Specify an endpoint URI.

Performing all these steps would be time-consuming and error-prone manually. Instead, the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard will automate this entire process. This program, which you start by clicking its icon in your Start menu, steps you through a series of screens to gather all the information needed to generate your WCF service. Then the wizard generates the service as you have specified it.

2.1. Step 1: Select a WCF transport

Figure 2 shows the first screen in the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard. This screen allows you to either create a new service endpoint or publish a MEX endpoint only. A metadata exchange endpoint provides consuming applications with the information needed to know how to call your service. When creating a new service endpoint, you must do the following:

  1. Select a transport type of either WCF-WSBasicHttp, WCF-WSHttp, or WCF-CustomIsolated.

  2. Optionally enable a MEX endpoint that describes your service.

  3. Optionally create the required receive location and receive port in the selected BizTalk application.

Figure 2. BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard's WCF Service Type screen

2.2. Step 2: Choose Whether to publish an Orchestration or a Schema

Once you've selected your transport type and optional choices, click Next to display the Create WCF Service page. On the Create WCF Service screen, you can choose from one of the following options:

  • Publish BizTalk Orchestrations As a WCF Service: This will create your service based upon selected orchestrations and ports in a BizTalk assembly.

  • Publish Schemas As WCF Service: This will publish WCF services by specifying operations and messages of WCF services using selected schemas from BizTalk assemblies as request or response message parts.

2.3. Step 3: Select Your Assembly

Once you've chosen your option, click Next to display the BizTalk Assembly page. This simple page provides a location for you to browse to and select your BizTalk assembly containing the orchestrations or schemas you want to publish. The wizard will use .NET reflection to load the types in this assembly.

2.4. Step 4: Customize Your WCF Service

At this point, the wizard has all it needs to generate a WCF endpoint except names for your service and your web methods. Figure 3 shows the default names given to a new service, which you can then customize.

Figure 3. Customizing your WCF service name and methods

You will want to modify the default web service description to provide a more meaningful set of names to your consumers. To do this, simply right-click each root, service, operation, and method node within the tree and select the corresponding Rename option.

Additionally, for the Request and Response nodes, right-click, and choose the Select Schema Type option. Selecting this option displays a dialog box to browse to the assembly that contains the schemas to send or receive. Choose the appropriate schemas for your application.

Once you've customized each of the nodes, click Next to display the WCF Service Properties page.

2.5. Step 5: Set Your Service Namespace

This step is to provide a namespace for your service. On the WCF Service Properties page, simply provide your service a namespace, and click Next.

2.6. Step 6: Specify Your WCF Endpoint URI

Lastly, you need to provide the wizard where you would like it to create your endpoint. Figure 4 shows the options available when creating your endpoint location.

Figure 4. Specifying your endpoint location

Once you've selected your URL and optionally allowed anonymous access, the wizard will create your endpoint in IIS where it will be accessible to consuming applications.

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