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Planning the Installation : Installation Scenarios for IIS 7.0 (part 2) - IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility Server Workload & IIS Full Install

12/23/2011 6:28:42 PM

IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility Server Workload

It is possible to take advantage of .NET without installing ASP.NET. You probably wonder when this type of server workload would be appropriate. Imagine you have developed your own custom HTTP modules specific to your environment. (This could include various content handling, redirection, session management, logging, or other custom application components.) This type of server workload would enable you to deploy servers with only the necessary modules to support your applications. You would have the power of IIS 7.0 and a small secure Web server footprint to meet your needs. The static file modules, along with the IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility, make up this workload type.

Table 5 lists all components that are installed when you configure your server to use the IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility workload server. The table includes the appropriate update names.

Table 5. IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility Server Options
Server ManagerUpdate Name
Static ContentIIS-StaticContent
Default DocumentIIS-DefaultDocument
Directory BrowsingIIS-DirectoryBrowsing
HTTP ErrorsIIS-HttpErrors
HTTP LoggingIIS-HttpLogging
Logging ToolsIIS-LoggingLibraries
Request MonitorIIS-RequestMonitor
Request FilteringIIS-RequestFiltering
Static Content CompressionIIS-HttpCompressionStatic
IIS Management ConsoleIIS-ManagementConsole
.NET ExtensibilityIIS-NetFxExtensibility

To install IIS features for the IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility server workload via Package Manager, use the following command from a command prompt:

start /w pkgmgr.exe /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;

To install IIS features for the IIS Managed Modules and .NET Extensibility server workload via ServerManagerCMD, use the following command from a command prompt:

ServerManagerCmd.exe -install Web-Server
ServerManagerCmd.exe -install Web-Net-Ext

IIS Full Install

You might want to do a complete IIS 7.0 installation in a test environment to evaluate everything IIS 7.0 has to offer. When you install all 40-plus modules, you are guaranteed that everything you need is available. In a true development scenario, however, it is probably not a good idea to do a full installation, because you could run into issues when you migrate your applications to a production environment that contains only a subset of modules. If you install only the minimum number of modules and features in your development environment, you will gain a complete understanding of what modules are needed and why. This will help keep your production server installation footprint smaller and more secure. The fewer modules deployed, the better your application performance will be. The more you do to match your development environment to your production servers, the more likely it is that you’ll have a smooth transition from development to production.

Table 6 lists all the components installed when you do a full installation of IIS 7.0. The table includes the appropriate update names.

Table 6. Full Server Install Components
Server ManagerUpdate Name
Internet Information ServicesIIS-WebServerRole
World Wide Web ServicesIIS-WebServer
Common HTTP FeaturesIIS-CommonHttpFeatures
Static ContentIIS-StaticContent
Default DocumentIIS-DefaultDocument
Directory BrowsingIIS-DirectoryBrowsing
HTTP ErrorsIIS-HttpErrors
HTTP RedirectionIIS-HttpRedirect
Application DevelopmentIIS-ApplicationDevelopment
.NET ExtensibilityIIS-NetFxExtensibility
ISAPI ExtensionsIIS-ISAPIExtensions
Server-Side IncludesIIS-ServerSideInclude
Health and DiagnosticsIIS-HealthAndDiagnostics
HTTP LoggingIIS-HTTPLogging
Logging ToolsIIS-LoggingLibraries
Request MonitorIIS-RequestMonitor
Custom LoggingIIS-CustomLogging
ODBC LoggingIIS-ODBCLogging
Basic AuthenticationIIS-BasicAuthentication
Windows AuthenticationIIS-WindowsAuthentication
Digest AuthenticationIIS-DigestAuthentication
Client Certificate Mapping AuthenticationIIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
IIS Client Certificate Mapping AuthenticationIIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication
URL AuthorizationIIS-URLAuthorization
Request FilteringIIS-RequestFiltering
IP and Domain RestrictionsIIS-IPSecurity
Static Content CompressionIIS-HttpCompressionStatic
Dynamic Content CompressionIIS-HttpCompressionDynamic
Management ToolsIIS-WebServerManagementTools
IIS Management ConsoleIIS-ManagementConsole
IIS Management Scripts and ToolsIIS-ManagementScriptingTools
Management ServiceIIS-ManagementService
IIS 6 Management CompatibilityIIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility
IIS Metabase CompatibilityIIS-Metabase
IIS 6 WMI CompatibilityIIS-WMICompatibility
IIS 6 Scripting ToolsIIS-LegacyScripts
IIS 6 Management ConsoleIIS-LegacySnapIn
FTP Publishing ServiceIIS-FTPPublishingService
FTP ServerIIS-FTPServer
FTP Management ConsoleIIS-FTPManagement
Windows Process Activation ServiceWAS-WindowsActivationService
Process ModelWAS-ProcessModel
.NET EnvironmentWAS-NetFxEnvironment
Configuration APIsWAS-ConfigurationAPI

To install IIS features for a full server install via Package Manager, use the following command from a command prompt:

start /w pkgmgr.exe /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;

To perform a full server install via ServerManagerCMD, use the following command from a command prompt:

ServerManagerCMD.exe –install Web-Server –allSubFeatures

Table 7 lists all ServerManagerCMD update names. Note that to perform a full installation using ServerManagerCMD, you can simply specify the –a switch. Refer to Table 7 when you need to install specific modules.

Table 7. Complete List of ServerManagerCMD Update Names
Server ManagerUpdate Name
Common HTTP FeaturesWeb-Common-Http
Static ContentWeb-Static-Content
Default DocumentWeb-Default-Doc
Directory BrowsingWeb-Dir-Browsing
HTTP ErrorsWeb-Http-Errors
HTTP RedirectionWeb-Http-Redirect
Application DevelopmentWeb-App-Dev
.NET ExtensibilityWeb-Net-Ext
ISAPI ExtensionsWeb-ISAPI-Ext
ISAPI FiltersWeb-ISAPI-Filter
Server Side IncludesWeb-Includes
Health and DiagnosticsWeb-Health
HTTP LoggingWeb-Http-Logging
Logging ToolsWeb-Log-Libraries
Request MonitorWeb-Request-Monitor
Custom LoggingWeb-Custom-Logging
ODBC LoggingWeb-ODBC-Logging
Basic AuthenticationWeb-Basic-Auth
Windows AuthenticationWeb-Windows-Auth
Digest AuthenticationWeb-Digest-Auth
Client Certificate Mapping AuthenticationWeb-Client-Auth
IIS Client Certificate Mapping AuthenticationWeb-Cert-Auth
URL AuthorizationWeb-Url-Auth
Request FilteringWeb-Filtering
IP and Domain RestrictionsWeb-IP-Security
Static Content CompressionWeb-Stat-Compression
Dynamic Content CompressionWeb-Dyn-Compression
Management ToolsWeb-Mgmt-Tools
IIS Management ConsoleWeb-Mgmt-Console
IIS Management Scripts and ToolsWeb-Scripting-Tools
Management ServiceWeb-Mgmt-Service
IIS 6 Management CompatibilityWeb-Mgmt-Compat
IIS 6 Metabase CompatibilityWeb-Metabase
IIS 6 WMI CompatibilityWeb-WMI
IIS 6 Scripting ToolsWeb-Lgcy-Scripting
IIS 6 Management ConsoleWeb-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console
FTP Publishing ServiceWeb-Ftp-Publishing
FTP ServerWeb-Ftp-Server
FTP Management ConsoleWeb-Ftp-Mgmt-Console
Windows Process Activation ServiceWAS
Process ModelWAS-Process-Model
.NET EnvironmentWAS-NET-Environment
Configuration APIsWAS-Config-APIs

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