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Windows Server 2008 R2 file and print services : File Server Resource Manager

3/11/2013 6:21:14 PM
In this section, we will discuss how the File Server Resource manager (FSRM) can be used to provide additional features such as quotas, file screens, reporting, and file classification services to your Windows file servers. The File Server Resource Monitor first appeared in Windows Server 2003 and has been carried on to Windows Server 2008 R2 adding new features along the way. FSRM is an additional role service for the File Server role and can be installed via Server Manager as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Adding File Server Resource Manager Role Service.

After the role service has been installed, the FSRM management console can be accessed via the Start Menu by selecting Start | Administrative Tools | File Server Resource Manager. As seen in Figure 2, the FSRM console is organized into five main sections:

  • Quota Management

  • File screening management

  • Storage reports management

  • Classification management

  • File management tasks

Figure 2. The FSRM Console.

Quota management

Quota management allows administrators to allot soft and hard quotas on folders within a volume. By using quotas, each user is restricted to consuming a limited amount of disk space for a given folder. This limit can be soft, meaning that the user is only warned that they are exceeding their quota but will still be allowed to save the file or the limit can be a hard quota, meaning that the user is not allowed to save additional data to the folder once he has reached his quota limit. Additionally, FSRM can e-mail users and administrators informing them that they have exceeded their quotas. For example, you might want to set a 200-MB quota on the client data folder. You can use FSRM to create a new quota on the path C:\ClientData and use the predefined template 200 MB limit Reports to Users. This template will limit each user to saving a maximum of 200 MB to the ClientData shared folder and e-mail them warnings at 85%, 95%, and 100% quota usage levels as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Creating Quotas.

Notes From the Field

Quota e-mail notifications

FSRM uses the E-mail Address field from Active Directory user accounts to send users e-mail alerts regarding their quota usage. If you do not populate this field with each user’s correct e-mail address, they will not receive quota notifications.

File screening management

File screens allow administrators to restrict the types of files saved to folders. For example, you may wish to prevent users from saving personal music files such as MP3s to shared folders (see Figure 4). File screens look at the file extension to determine whether the file is allowed to be stored in a specific folder. Like quotas, FSRM can send e-mail notifications to users if they attempt to violate a file screen policy. FSRM file screening management comes with a few predefined templates with common file extensions. You can also create your own customized templates to meet your own needs. File screens can be set up in active or passive mode. Active mode will prevent the restricted file types from being saved to the folder, while passive mode only monitors restricted file types.

Figure 4. File Screen to Prevent Storing Audio/Video Files.

Storage reports

FSRM provides some basic storage reporting for Windows file servers. These reports can be run ad hoc or set to run on a scheduled basis. Additionally the reports can automatically be e-mailed to administrators when they are generated. FSRM provides nine report types. They are defined in Table 1.

Table 1. File Server Resource Manager Storage Reports
Duplicate filesThis report will display all the files in the volume or folder that have duplicate copies.
File screening auditThis report will display all the files that violate a file screen for a folder or volume.
Files by file groupThis report will display files and file counts by their group type such as text files, office files, image files, etc.
Files by ownerThis report displays files created/saved by the owner. This allows administrators to easily identify users who are saving large amounts of data on the file server.
Files by propertyThis report displays files and file counts by their property values. This helps identify specific property types that may be using large amounts of disk space.
Large filesThis report will display files that are considered large. The minimum size file is configurable with 5 MB being the default size to include in the report.
Least recently accessed filesThis report will display the files in the folder or volume that have gone the longest period without being accessed. This report provides administrators a good way to review files that have not been accessed for a long period of time.
Most recently accessed filesThis report will display files that have gone the shortest period of time without being accessed. This report provides administrators the ability to review files that are being used on a regular basis.
Quota usageThis report will display quotas that exceed a specified disk space usage level. This report includes a list of all users who have saved files in the folder or volume and how much of their allocated quota they have used.

Classification management

Classification management is a new feature in Windows Server 2008 R2 that can be used to classify files based upon rules or folders in which they are stored. Using classification management, you can provide better records management for files on your network. 

File management tasks

File management tasks is a new feature introduced with the release of Windows Server 2008 R2. Using file management tasks, administrators can set up scheduled operations to scan volumes and folders on file servers and review specific file properties. Based upon rules defined for the properties, the scheduled task can then move the file to a folder where it can be archived, or custom command can be performed on the file. A great example of using a file management task would be to move any files not accessed in the last 180 days to an archive folder. An administrator could then back up the archive folder and delete the files from the server. This is known as a file expiration task. Additionally, the file expiration task can e-mail a notification to the owner of files that are about to be moved to the archive folder.

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