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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Managing the Optimizer (part 3) - Using Plan Guides & Limiting Query Plan Execution with the Query Governor

11/24/2011 5:37:39 PM

Using Plan Guides

At times, you might find it necessary to use query hints to improve the performance of queries for a particular query or a small set of queries. Although this may be easy to do when you have access to the application code, often the particular queries to be modified are embedded within a third-party application, and alteration of the queries themselves is virtually impossible. Also, if you start hard-coding query hints in your application code, changing them as necessary when data volumes change or when upgrading to a new version of SQL Server can be a difficult undertaking.

The plan guides feature in SQL Server 2008 provides an ideal solution for such scenarios by offering another mechanism for injecting query hints into the original query without having to modify the query itself. The plan guides mechanism uses an internal lookup system table, based on information in the sys.plan_guides catalog view, to map the original query to a substitute query or query template.

When a SQL statement is submitted, it is first compared against the cached plans to check for a match. If a match exists, the cached query plan is used to execute the query. If no cached plan exists for the query, the Query Optimizer next looks for a match against the set of existing plan guides, if any, stored in the current database for a match. If an active plan guide that matches the SQL statement is found, the original matching statement is substituted with the one from the plan guide, the query plan is compiled and cached, and the query is executed using the plan generated from the plan guide.

Queries that can benefit from plan guides are generally those that are parameter based and those that are likely performing poorly because they use cached query plans whose parameter values do not represent a more representative scenario.

The plan guides feature essentially consists of two stored procedures to create, drop, enable, and disable plan guides and the sys.plan_guides metadata view that describes the stored plan guides. Plan guides are created and administered by using the two system stored procedures:

  • sp_create_plan_guide

  • sp_control_plan_guide

The syntax for these procedures is as follows:

sp_create_plan_guide [ @name = ] N'plan_guide_name'
, [ @stmt = ] N'statement_text'
, [ @type = ] N'{ OBJECT | SQL | TEMPLATE }'
, [ @module_or_batch = ]
N'[ schema_name. ] object_name'
| N'batch_text'
, [ @params = ] { N'@parameter_name data_type [ ,...n ]' | NULL }
, [ @hints = ] { N'OPTION ( query_hint [ ,...n ] )'
| N'XML_execution plan'
| NULL }

sp_control_plan_guide [ @operation = ] N'<control_option>'
[ , [ @name = ] N'plan_guide_name' ]


Note that in SQL Server 2008, the sp_create_plan_guide stored procedure enables you to pass an XML execution plan directly in the @hints parameter instead of embedding the output in a USE PLAN hint. This capability simplifies the process of applying a fixed query plan as a plan guide hint.

In addition, a new stored procedure, sp_create_plan_guide_from_handle, allows you to create one or more plan guides from a query plan in the plan cache. The syntax for sp_create_plan_guide_from_handle is as follows:

sp_create_plan_guide_from_handle [ @name = ] N'plan_guide_name'
, [ @plan_handle = ] plan_handle
, [ [ @statement_start_offset = ] { statement_start_offset | NULL } ]

Instead of specifying an actual XML execution plan, you pass the handle for a query plan currently in the plan cache to the @plan_handle parameter. A plan_handle can be obtained from the sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV. If the cached plan contains multiple queries in a SQL batch, you can specify the starting position of the statement within the batch via the @statement_start_offset parameter. The statement offset corresponds to the statement_start_offset column in the sys.dm_exec_query_stats dynamic management view. If no statement offset is specified, a plan guide is created for each statement in the batch using the query plan for the specified plan handle. The resulting plan guides are equivalent to plan guides that use the USE PLAN query hint to force the use of a specific plan.

Creating Plan Guides

Plan guides can be created to match queries executed in the following contexts:

  • An OBJECT plan guide matches queries that execute in the context of T-SQL stored procedures, scalar functions, or multistatement table-valued functions.

  • A SQL plan guide matches queries that execute in the context of ad hoc T-SQL statements and batches that are not part of a stored procedure or other compiled database object.

  • A TEMPLATE plan guide matches ad hoc queries that parameterize to a specified form. These plan guides are used to override the current SET PARAMETERIZATION database option.

In the sp_create_plan_guide statement, you specify the query that you want optimized and provide the OPTION clause with the query hints necessary to optimize the query in the manner desired, or an XML execution plan for the query plan you want the query to use. When the query executes, SQL Server matches the query to the plan guide and applies the forced query plan to the query at runtime.

The plan guide can specify any of the following query hints individually or combined with others, when applicable:




  • FAST n


  • MAXDOP number_of_processors

  • OPTIMIZE FOR ( @variable_name = literal_constant ) [ ,...n ]








  • TABLE HINT (object_name [ , table_hint [ [, ]...n ] ] )

  • USE PLAN <xmlplan>


The PARAMETERIZATION { SIMPLE | FORCED } query hint can be used only within a plan guide, and it specifies whether a query is parameterized as part of compiling a query plan. This option overrides the current setting of the PARAMETERIZATION option set at the database level.

Listing 3 provides a sample plan guide created for a simple SQL statement.

Listing 3. Creating a Plan Guide for a Simple SQL Statement
sp_create_plan_guide @name = N'PlanGuide1',
@stmt = N'SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total
FROM dbo.sales s, dbo.titles t
WHERE s.title_id = t.title_id
and t.pubdate BETWEEN ''1/1/2004'' AND ''1/1/2006''
@type = N'SQL',
@module_or_batch = NULL,
@params = NULL,
@hints = N'OPTION (HASH JOIN)'

For plan guides of type 'SQL' or 'TEMPLATE' to match a query successfully, the values for batch_text and @parameter_name data_type [,...n ] must be provided in exactly the same format as their counterparts submitted by the application. Specifically, they must match character for character, including comments and whitespaces.


When you are creating plan guides, be careful to specify the query in the @stmt parameter and any parameter names and values in the @params parameter exactly as they are received from the application. The best way to ensure this is to capture the batch or statement text from SQL Server Profiler. Also, as with the XML query plans passed to the USE PLAN query hint, single-quoted literal values, such as '1/1/2000', need to be delimited with single quotation marks escaped by additional single quotation marks, as shown in Listing 1.

Managing Plan Guides

You use the sp_control_plan_guide stored procedure to enable, disable, or drop a plan guide. The following example drops the plan guide created in Listing 3:

sp_control_plan_guide N'DROP', N'PlanGuide1'

To execute sp_control_plan_guide on a plan guide of type OBJECT (for example, a plan guide created for a stored procedure), you must have at least ALTER permission on the object that is referenced by the plan guide. For all other plan guides, you must have at least ALTER DATABASE permission. Attempting to drop or alter a function or stored procedure that is referenced by a plan guide results in an error.

In SQL Server 2008, it is possible to define multiple plan guides for the same query. However, only one plan guide can be active at a time. You can use sp_control_plan_guide to enable and disable plan guides.

Validating Plan Guides

The new system function sys.fn_validate_plan_guide can be used to validate a plan guide. Plan guides can become invalid after changes such as dropping an index are made to the physical design of the database. By validating a plan guide, you can determine whether the plan guide can be used unmodified by the query optimizer. The sys.fn_validate_plan_guide function returns the first error message encountered when the plan guide is applied to its query. If the plan guide is valid, an empty rowset is returned.

The sys.plan_guides Catalog View

All plan guides are stored in the sys.plan_guides database system catalog view. You can get information about the plan guides defined in a database by running a query against the sys.plan_guides catalog view, as in the following example:

select name, is_disabled, scope_type_desc, scope_object_id,
parameters, hints, query_text from sys.plan_guides

Table 1 describes the columns in the sys.plan_guides catalog view.

Table 1. sys.plan_guides Columns
Column NameDescription
plan_guide_idUnique identifier of the plan guide.
NameName of the plan guide.
create_dateDate and time the plan guide was created.
modify_dateDate the plan guide was last modified.
is_disabled1 = disabled and 0 = enabled.
query_textText of the query on which the plan guide is created.
scope_typeScope of the plan guide: 1 = OBJECT, 2 = SQL, and 3 = TEMPLATE.
scope_type_descDescription of scope of the plan guide: OBJECT, SQL, or TEMPLATE.
scope_object_idIf scope_type is OBJECT, the object_id of the object defining the scope of the plan guide; otherwise, NULL.
scope_batchIf scope_type is SQL, the text of the SQL batch. If NULL, either the batch type is not SQL or scope_type is SQL, and the value of query_text applies.
parametersThe string defining the list of parameters associated with the plan guide. If NULL, no parameter list is associated with the plan guide.
hintsThe query OPTION hints associated with the plan guide.

Plan Guide Best Practices

Following are some of the recommended best practices for using the USE PLAN query hint and the plan guides feature:

  • The USE PLAN query hint and plan guides should be used only when other standard query tuning options, such as tuning indexes and ensuring the table has current statistics, have been extensively tried and have failed to produce the necessary results. When a query plan is forced by using either the USE PLAN query hint or a plan guide, it prevents the Query Optimizer from adapting to changing data distributions, new indexes, or improved query execution algorithms in successive SQL Server releases or service packs.
  • You need to be sure to have a full understanding of query optimization and of the implications and long-term ramifications of forcing query plans.

  • You should try to force only a small fraction of the workload. If you find you are forcing more than a few dozen queries, you should check whether other issues with the configuration could be limiting performance, including insufficient system resources, incorrect database configuration settings, missing indexes, poorly written queries, and other factors.

  • It is not advisable to attempt to code by hand or modify the XML execution plan that is specified in the USE PLAN query hint. You should capture and use a plan produced by SQL Server itself. The XML execution plan is a lengthy and complex listing, and improper changes could prevent it from identically matching one of the Query Optimizer–generated plans, which would result in the USE PLAN hint being ignored.

  • The USE PLAN query hint should not be directly embedded into the application code because that would make the maintenance of the application across query plan and SQL Server version changes difficult to manage. Also, embedding USE PLAN directly into the query generally prevents the plan for the query from being cacheable. The USE PLAN hint is intended primarily for ad hoc performance tuning and test purposes, and for use with the plan guides feature.

  • The plan guides created for an application should be well documented and regularly backed up because they constitute an integral part of the application’s performance tuning. You should also retain the scripts that you used to create plan guides and treat them as you would other source code for an application.

  • After creating a plan guide, you should test to make sure that it is being applied to the intended queries.

Verifying That a Plan Guide Is Being Applied

When you have a plan guide defined, you might want to verify that the application query is making use of the plan guide. You can follow these steps to confirm whether a plan guide is being used:

After creating the plan guide, run SQL Server Profiler and configure it to capture the query text and XML execution plan for the application and the query in question and start the Profiler trace.

Run your application and cause it to invoke the query in question.

Stop the profiler trace and collect the query plan by right-clicking the Showplan XML Statistics Profile event that corresponds to the query and then selecting the Extract Event Data option.

Save the event data to a file.

Open the Showplan.xml file in any text file viewer or Internet Explorer to examine the XML code.

If the plan guide was used to generate the query plan, the XML execution plan output contains the PlanGuideDB and PlanGuideName tags, as shown in the following example:

<ShowPlanXML xmlns=
Version="1.0" Build="9.00.1282.00">
<StmtSimple PlanGuideDB="bigpubs2008"

As another option to help determine whether or not plan guides are being used, you can use two new event classes available in the SQL Server 2008 Profiler: Plan Guide Successful and Plan Guide Unsuccessful. These new event classes make it easier to verify whether plan guides are being used by the Query Optimizer. For example, if SQL Server cannot produce an execution plan for a query that contains a plan guide when the initial plan guide compilation is performed, the query is automatically compiled without using the plan guide, and the Plan Guide Unsuccessful event is raised.


Note that the plan guide events are raised only during the initial compilation of a query that contains a plan guide when the query plan gets loaded into the plan cache. If you do not see either of these events, you may need to flush the plan cache using DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.

In addition, there are two new Performance Monitor counters: Guided Plan Executions/sec and Misguided Plan Executions/sec. These counters are available in the SQL Server, SQL Statistics Object. They report the number of plan executions in which the query plan has been successfully or unsuccessfully generated using a plan guide.

Creating and Managing Plan Guides in SSMS

SQL Server 2008 enables you to create, delete, enable, disable, or script plan guides within SSMS. The plan guides options are available in the Programmability folder in Object Explorer. To create a new plan guide in SSMS, right-click on Plan Guides and select the New Plan Guide option. This brings up the dialog shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Creating a plan guide in SSMS.

To manage existing plan guides in SSMS, you can right-click on the plan guide name to bring up the context menu that allows you to enable, disable, delete, script, or view the properties of the plan guide, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Managing a plan guide in SSMS.

Limiting Query Plan Execution with the Query Governor

Another tool for managing query plans in SQL Server 2008 is the query governor. Because SQL Server uses a cost-based Query Optimizer, the cost of executing a given query is always estimated before the query is actually executed. The query governor enables you to set a cost threshold to prevent certain long-running queries from being executed. This is not so much an optimization tuning tool as it is a performance problem prevention tool.

For example, if you have an application with an ad hoc reporting front end, you have no way of controlling what the user is going to request from the database and the type of query generated. The query governor allows you to prevent a runaway query from executing and using up valuable CPU and memory resources by processing a poorly formed query. You can set the query governor cost limit for the current user session by setting the session-level property QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT:


The value specified is the maximum length of time, in seconds, a query is allowed to run. If the Query Optimizer estimates the query would take longer than the specified value, SQL Server does not execute it.

Although the option is specified in seconds, it is a relative value that corresponds to the estimated subtree cost, as calculated by the Query Optimizer. In other words, if you set the query governor cost limit to 100, it prevents the execution of any queries whose estimated subtree cost is greater than 100 seconds. The estimated subtree cost time is based on the query cost algorithm in SQL Server and might not map exactly to how long the query actually takes to run on your own system. The actual runtime depends on a number of factors: CPU speed, I/O speed, network speed, the number of rows returned over the network, and so on. You need to correlate the Query Optimizer runtime estimate to how long the query actually takes to run on your system to set the query governor cost limit to a value related to actual query runtime.

The best way to figure out how to set the query governor is to run your queries with the STATISTICS PROFILE and STATISTICS TIME session settings enabled.You then compare the values in the TotalSubtree Cost column for the first row of the STATISTICS PROFILE output with the elapsed time displayed by STATISTICS TIME for your query. If you do this for a number of your queries, you might be able to come up with an average correlation of the actual runtimes with the Query Optimizer’s estimated query cost. For example, if the average cost estimate is 30 seconds and the actual runtimes are 15 seconds, you may need to double the setting for query governor cost limit to correspond to the actual execution time threshold; in other words, if you want the threshold to be 60 seconds for this example, you would want to set the query governor threshold to 120.

To configure a query governor threshold for all user connections, you can also set it at the server level. In SSMS, right-click the server in the Object Browser and choose Properties from the menu. In the Server Properties dialog, select the Connections page. Enable the Use Query Governor to Prevent Long-Running Queries check box and specify the desired cost threshold (see Figure 3). The cost threshold is specified in the same units as specified for the QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT session setting.

Figure 3. Configuring the query governor settings in the SQL Server Properties dialog.

Alternatively, you can configure the server-wide query governor setting by using sp_configure:

sp_configure query governor cost limit, 100
Other -----------------
- SQL Server 2008 R2 : Common Query Optimization Problems
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Creating Queries (part 3) - Criterion Type, Operators, and Values
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Creating Queries (part 2) - ConfigMgr Query Builder
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Creating Queries (part 1) - Objects, Classes, and Attributes
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Configuration Manager Queries - Viewing Queries and Query Results
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