Setting up security for individual users can
be a time-consuming task. Dynamics GP 2010 provides a mechanism to copy
the access from an existing user to a new user including tasks, roles,
and company access. This feature provides a great way to quickly set up
new users and ensure that their security is consistent.
This recipe looks at how to copy security settings from an existing user to a new user.
Getting ready
This recipe requires logging in as 'sa', the system administrator. Log in to the sample company as 'sa' to start this recipe.
How to do it...
To copy security settings to a new user:
1. Select Administration from the Navigation Pane. Under Setup and System on the Administration Area Page, select User.
2. In the User ID field, type JDOE.
3. Type John Doe in the User Name field.
4. Type Pass@word1 in the Password and Confirm Password fields:
5. Click on Copy Access and then on Yes when asked to save changes.
6. Use the lookup button (indicated by a magnifying glass) to look up and select the LESSONUSER1 user:
7. Click on OK to finish.
User JDOE now has the same roles, tasks, and company access as LESSONUSER1.