1. Problem
You need to create an
orchestration that inserts a record into a table in your SQL database
via a stored procedure. Specifically, you need to create an
orchestration that inserts a new customer record based on an inbound
2. Solution
The solution reviewed as part
of this recipe outlines how to use the SQL adapter within the context of
an orchestration. The following instructions outline the tasks required
to create and configure the physical SQL send port as well as the
orchestration that implements the SQL adapter.
The solution has sample XML
files to demonstrate how the SQL adapter inserts message content into a
SQL table via a stored procedure. The solution also includes a sample
SQL table structure.
3. Task 1: Create Supporting Artifacts
The steps outlined for this
task create the supporting solution artifacts. You will create the
table, stored procedure, and inbound message structure for the message
consumed by BizTalk. Here are the steps to follow:
Create a new SQL database and table for which to insert the record. Compile the table definition listed in Listing 1.
Example 1. Example Customer Table Definition
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer] ( [CustomerID][int] IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL, [CustomerName][nvarchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Address][nvarchar](60) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [City][nvarchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Region][nvarchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [PostalCode][nvarchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, ) ON [PRIMARY]
If you do not have a stored procedure to insert individual customer records, compile the stored procedure listed in Listing 2.
Example 2. Example Insert Customer Stored Procedure
if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'BizTalkToCustomerInsert' and type = 'P') drop proc BizTalkToCustomerInsert go CREATE procedure BizTalkToCustomerInsert @CustomerName nvarchar(60) , @Address nvarchar(120) , @City nvarchar(60) , @Region nvarchar(60) , @PostalCode nvarchar(60) AS /* ** ** Object: BizTalkToCustomerInsert ** ** Description: Inserts records into the Customer table for the SQL adapter ** stored procedure recipe ** ** */ BEGIN Declare @intReturnCode int select @intReturnCode = 0
/*Insert records that will be returned to caller*/ Insert Customer (CustomerName, Address, City, Region, PostalCode) Values (@CustomerName, @Address, @City, @Region, @PostalCode)
/* Set the outbound return code */ select @intReturnCode = @@error
/* return the return code */ return @intReturnCode END
go grant execute on dbo.BizTalkToCustomerInsert to public go
a new BizTalk solution that will contain the components used to insert
customers into the Customer table in your SQL database. Next, create a
sample message that matches the structure detailed in Listing 3. The schema for this message will be created as part of the solution as defined in the "Task 2: Create BizTalk Solution Artifacts" section of this recipe.
Example 3. Example Customer Input Message
<ns0:Customer_Request xmlns:ns0="http://SQLAdapterStoredProcedure"> <ns0:BizTalkToCustomerInsert Address="1241 Little Overlook" City="Grand Jct" CustomerName="Ciro A" PostalCode="81502" Region="CO" /> </ns0:Customer_Request>
4. Task 2: Create BizTalk Solution Artifacts
Next, you will be using the Add
Generated Items Wizard to generate the BizTalk artifacts for this
recipe. The wizard will prompt you to specify your BizTalk environment
(such as specifying the BizTalk MessageBox database, setting the
connection string to the database that you will be accessing, and
identifying the type of SQL port you are creating such as send or
receive). Follow these steps:
Choose Add Generated Items from the Solution Explorer's tool menu. Verify that Add Adapter Metadata is selected.
On the Add Adapter Wizard page, select the SQL adapter, and verify the settings to your BizTalk MessageBox database. Figure 1 shows the initial connection screen.
You can leave the Port
field empty unless you are specifying an already created SQL send or
receive port. This sample will create a send port that you will specify
Click Next, and set the connection string for the database to which you are connecting.
Click Next, and specify the target namespace as http://SQLAdapterStoredProcedure, the port type as Send, the request document root element name as Customer_Request, and the response document root element name as Customer_Response. The wizard should look like Figure 2.
On the Statement Type page of the wizard, select Stored Procedure as the type of statement, and click Next.
On the Statement Information page of the wizard, select the BizTalkToCustomerInsert stored procedure from the drop-down enumeration, and leave all the check boxes next to the input parameters empty.
click the Generate button, because it results in a generated execute
script that is listed in the Generated Script field of the wizard. The
wizard should resemble Figure 3.
Because the stored
procedure contains input parameters, they are displayed in the datagrid
of the wizard. If there are default values that should be specified, you
can enter those parameters next to the name of the input parameter. If
the check box is selected, a null value will be submitted as the value
for the input parameter.
Next and then Finish, completing the wizard. When you complete the
wizard, notice that BizTalk creates two artifacts for you: the BizTalk
orchestration and SQLService.xsd.
The BizTalk orchestration allows you to perform additional processing of the inbound message, and the SQLService schema contains the physical representation of the data returned from the stored procedure.
the BizTalk orchestration for an inbound receive and an outbound send.
The ports should be configured to receive and to send a message of type SQL_Adapter_Stored_Procedure.SQLService.Customer_Request. Your orchestration should resemble Figure 4. Make sure to set the Activate property on the Receive shape to True.
Build and deploy your BizTalk solution.
5. Task 3: Create Physical BizTalk Ports
Your next task is to
create the physical BizTalk ports you will need to test the solution.
Follow the process outlined in these steps:
test this solution, you will need to create a physical file receive
port to consume the inbound XML file and a SQL send port to send the
message to the SQL database. Open the BizTalk Administration Console.
Find the appropriate BizTalk application, right-click the Send Ports
folder, and select New→Static One-way Send Port to open the Send Port
Properties dialog box. Name the new send port Sample SQL Stored
Procedure Send Port. Within the Transport section of the General tab,
select SQL from the Type drop-down list.
the SQL Transport properties, configure the connection string to the
appropriate database by clicking the ellipses next to the Connection
String field. Additionally, configure the document target namespace as http://SQLAdapterStoredProcedure.
Set Send Pipeline to the Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.XMLTransmit pipeline.
Bind the deployed orchestration to the newly created send and receive ports.
6. Task 4: Test the Solution
Your last task is to test your
solution to be sure it works correctly. The procedure for testing is
simple: place your sample customer test file in the folder being
monitored by the file receive port, and verify that the record inserted
successfully into the Customer table.
7. How It Works
Utilizing the SQL
adapter to call stored procedures is a great way to insert data into a
database or call a procedure to return data from a database. The
benefits of using the SQL adapter over creating a component to make
database calls include being able to use any BizTalk adapter (including
guaranteed reliable message delivery, retry capabilities, and the
ability to specify alternative mechanisms for message delivery).
Additionally, a stored procedure is capable of taking an entire XML
message or individual data elements as input parameters.
This recipe demonstrates how to
use the SQL adapter and stored procedure to insert customer records in a
SQL table. The stored procedure required input parameters but could
have taken the entire contents of the XML message and parsed the
contents of message.