Example 2—Select, Table Valued Function, and Execute Reader
This second example builds on
the first but focuses on the outbound operations. We will extend the
scenario by making subsequent calls to other sales order related tables
to retrieve data that completes the message with all the required
details about the sales order.
For this example we will query
other SQL Server objects related to each debatched message from the
first example to demonstrate some of the outbound adapter operations,
and then build a final canonical message with all the sales order
The following database objects are used to enrich the sales order details:
A SQL view called
Sales.vSalesOrderDetailProduct that returns order line detail including
product information. The ASDK SQL adapter supports querying SQL Server
tables and views. The limitation with using this approach is we cannot
join Views with other Views or Tables from an ASDK SQL adapter call.
However, there is a resolution to this problem. The SQL Server View can
be modified to accommodate any additional data requirements that we may
table-valued function ufnGetContactInformation that returns contact
details. Table-valued functions work much like Stored Procedures, from a
BizTalk perspective. We are able to provide a strongly typed request
and receive a strongly typed response.
dynamic select statement that will be executed by using the
ExecuteReader operation to retrieve extra customer details. The
ExecuteReader operation is a very flexible operation since it does not
have strongly typed result sets and developers do not require access to
the table at design time. The challenge with this approach is it
requires the BizTalk developer to deal with untyped response messages
coming from SQL Server. This may require us to write custom XSLT if we
want to parse, or transform these response messages.
To generate the schemas for the outbound operations used in this example, after establishing successful connection, we set Client(Outbound operations) in the Select contract type drop down list. In the Select a category
panel we expanded the Views node, select vSalesOrderDetailView and
added "Select" to the list of desired operations. Then, we added
ufnGetContactInformation function located under the Table Valued Functions node. Lastly, we add ExecuteReader operation located under the "/" root node.
We can now click the OK button to close the wizard and generate the schemas.
First let's discuss the schema
for the SELECT operation we want to execute on the
vSalesOrderDetailProduct view. To build a SELECT statement, the ASDK SQL
adapter requires us to specify desired columns separated by commas in
the Columns element under the Select node. The Query element under the same node is where we specify the "WHERE" clause to filter out the result set of the SELECT statement.
The response part of the schema
is strongly typed and contains all the columns from the
vSalesOrderDetailProduct view. Note the columns are defined with the
Min. Occurs. xsd property set to 0. It means the resulting response
message from the adapter will contain only the columns listed in the Columns element:
For the table-valued
functions the Consume Adapter Service wizard generates a schema that
allows us to provide values for the function parameters—note the ContactId element under the ufnGetContactInformation
node. The response part of the schema is strongly typed and contains
the definition of the table returned by the ufnGetContactInformation
To perform the ExecuteReader operation, we need to specify a SELECT statement in the Query element under the ExecuteReader
node. The response generated by the adapter for this operation is an
array of the DataSet nodes. Each DataSet node in the schema has two
<Any> elements, the first will have a schema of the DataSet, and
the second will be an ADO.NET diffgram of the data itself:
Now that we have the
schemas for the outbound operations, we can create a single map to
generate all three request messages at once from the incoming sales
order header message. To generate a multi-destination map we double
clicked the Transform shape, specified Transform.SalesOrder_to_LookupRequests name for a New Map, and then specified the request and three response messages:
Once we clicked OK the Map designer showed up containing our three schemas packed in one destination schema.
The following image shows the fully configured map used in our sample application:
To set the Query property of the ExecuteReader
request message, we use a string concatenate functoid to build a select
statement made up of multiple table joins to return address information
for a customer. We then link the CustomerID element from the source
message to finalize the statement with the WHERE clause:
For the select statement we
want to run against the vSalesOrderDetailsProduct view, we need to
specify the required columns and a WHERE clause. A string concatenate
functoid is used to set the Columns element to *.
This will tell the adapter that all columns from the view should be
selected. Another string concatenate functoid is used to populate the
Query element. We use the SalesOrderID element from the input schema to
build the WHERE clause where SalesOrderID =SalesOrderID.
Lastly, we need to specify
the input parameter for the ufnGetContactInformation table valued
function. This function has only one parameter: ContactID. So we drag
the ContactID from the source schema to the ContactID element of the
destination schema.
A nice feature of BizTalk is
the ability to reuse logical ports within an orchestration. This allows
us to bind our logical port to a single physical port in the BizTalk
Administration Console, for all three lookups. This reduces the amount
of send ports that we have to create and maintain. We can also use a
parallel shape in the orchestration to execute all three operations at
the same time.
To represent a complete
sales order, we have a schema named SalesOrder.xsd. After the parallel
shape finishes and all three operations have been run against SQL
Server, we can then map their responses and the original sales order
header data to the final SalesOrder message:
This is what the LookupResponses_to_SalesOrder map looks like:
As you can see,
the preceding map is pretty straightforward with the exception of the
ExecuteReaderResponse node. As we previously discussed, the Execute
Reader operation has a tradeoff. The tradeoff is that our result set
will be untyped, which means we need to perform some custom work to
transform this message into a strongly typed message. To achieve this we
need to write some XSLT and use an Inline XSLT Call Template scripting
functoid to map the diffgram contents:
<xsl:paramname="param1" />
<xsl:iftest="count(//NewTable) > 0">
<xsl:if test="AddressLine1">
<xsl:element name="AddressLine1">
<xsl:if test="AddressLine2">
<xsl:element name="AddressLine2">
<xsl:if test="City">
<xsl:element name="City">
<xsl:if test="StateProvinceCode">
<xsl:element name="StateProvinceCode">
<xsl:if test="Country">
<xsl:element name="Country">
That is it for the development
phase of the example. The final orchestration with the two maps and all
three outbound operations executed in parallel looks like this:
This binding file
creates a send port, which is shared by the three operations with the
same binding properties as the ones we set when creating the schemas.
The important part to review is the SOAP Action header property on the
General tab of the WCF-Custom adapter:
Action="ViewOp/Select/Sales/vSalesOrderDetailProduct" />
Action="TableFunction/dbo/ufnGetContactInformation" />
Action="GenericOp/ExecuteReader" />
This provides a mapping between
the operations and the SOAP actions.
When we enable our solution,
after a few seconds we will have new messages containing sales order
data. Here is an example of a processed sales order:
<ns0:SalesOrder xmlns:ns0=http://Schemas.SalesOrder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<JobTitle>Purchasing Manager</JobTitle>
<ContactType>Store Contact</ContactType>
<Name>Main Office</Name>
<AddressLine1>6055 Shawnee Industrial Way</AddressLine1>
<StateProvinceCode>GA </StateProvinceCode>
<Country>United States</Country>
<ProductName>Road-650 Red, 44</ProductName>
<ProductName>Road-450 Red, 52</ProductName>