4. How to Use Data Collector Sets
Windows Vista Reliability And Performance snap-in includes data
collector sets and corresponding reports that perform detailed analysis
of different aspects of a computer’s configuration and performance.
To use data collector sets and reports, follow these steps:
1. | Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.
2. | Expand Reliability And Performance, expand Data Collector Sets, and then click System.
3. | In
the middle pane, right-click the data collector set you want to
analyze, and then click Start. For example, to analyze the computers,
hardware, right-click System Diagnostics and then click Start.
Windows Vista will begin collecting data.
4. | Right-click the data collector set, and then click Latest Report.
Windows Vista shows the report status while data is being collected
(this might take several minutes). Once enough data has been collected,
it displays the report. Figure 2 shows a System Diagnostics report.
Examine the report to determine if any of the causes might be related to the problem you are troubleshooting.