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SQL Server 2012 : Transact-SQL - Functions, Triggers

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11/30/2014 8:36:17 PM


In many instances, you can accomplish a task using either a stored procedure or a function. Both functions and stored procedures can be custom defined and part of any application. They both can be written in T-SQL or .NET and contain a header and body. They can both accept parameters and provide output to the calling application or user.

Creating a Function

To illustrate, let’s create a function that accepts a pet weight and returns a table that lists the pets who exceed that weight and their owners. The sample script is as follows:

RETURNS @retGiantPetsTable TABLE
pet_name     VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
pet_weight    INT                   NOT NULL,
owner_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
     INSERT @retGiantPetsTable
     SELECT p.pet_name, p.pet_weight,o.owner_name
     FROM Pets p, Owners o
     WHERE p.pet_id=o.pet_id AND p.pet_weight > @minWeight


Invoking a Function

Functions are designed with the idea that they will send their output to a query or T-SQL statement. With the exception of scalar functions, functions are called differently than stored procedures. Since the example function returns a table, you can call it as part of a SELECT statement by referencing it in the FROM clause, for example:

SELECT * FROM GiantPets(50)

This will return the following result set:

pet_name   pet_weight      owner_name

Lady          155              Bryan

Zeus          185                Rob

System-Defined Functions

The GiantPets function is a user-defined function. As with system stored procedures, SQL Server comes with many built-in functions. There are so many that they are grouped into different categories. Scalar functions use a single value or list of values, as opposed to data from multiple rows of a table. An example of a scalar function is GETDATE(), which returns the current date:


Aggregate functions utilize multiple rows of data and return a value to the user. To find the average value for all the rows in a column, you use the AVG function as follows:

SELECT AVG(pet_weight) FROM Pets

There are also a lot of security-related functions. If you wanted to know whether the current user is a member of the sysadmin group, you would use the IS_SVRROLEMEMBER as follows:


This function will return 1 for true and 0 for false.


A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that is executed when a special event happens within SQL Server. An event could include the execution of a given DDL or DML statement or a login to SQL Server. For example, if you wanted to make sure MicroChipID was valid before allowing a new pet to be added to the Pets table, you could create a trigger on INSERT. The script follows:

USE [VetClinic]
CREATE TRIGGER ValidateMicroChip
ON Pets

SELECT MicroChipID FROM MicroChips
WHERE MicroChipID IN (
SELECT MicroChipID FROM inserted)

RAISERROR ('The chip was found!', 16, 1)

     RAISERROR ('The chip was NOT found!', 16, 1)


Now, when you attempt to insert a new pet into the table using a microchip ID that is not in the MicroChips table, an error will be issued, and the pet information will not be added to the table, as shown in the following script:

INSERT INTO Pets VALUES (8,'Sushi',5,'0034DDA')

This will result in the following result:

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ValidateMicroChip, Line 13

The chip was NOT found!

Msg 3609, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

Since the only valid microchip ID is 34BA123, if you used this value, the result would be as follows:

Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ValidateMicroChip, Line 10

The chip was found!

(1 row(s) affected)

Normally, you would not have to raise an error on a successful insert; this was done here only to help illustrate the code path that was executed in the trigger.

If you take a look at the trigger definition, you’ll see that a table called inserted was referenced in the IF EXISTS clause. Within a DML trigger, SQL Server provides this table and a deleted table for DELETE triggers. Together, these tables allow your triggers to do something with the data and, depending on your business requirements, roll back any transactions. In this sample scenario, if the chip wasn’t found, the trigger rolled back the transaction, causing the pet information not to be written to the table.

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